
10 questions with ... Cris Shore

In this installment of '10 questions with ...' we chat with Professor Cris Shore about his latest book, Death of the Public University? Uncertain Futures for Higher Education in the Knowledge Economy, co-edited with Professor Susan Wright (2017).

What’s Up in the World? - Weekly Digest 27/05/2016 Written by Harriet Lane-Tobin

This week's digest flies in the face of progress, whether it be in regards to innovation, education, technology and the discussions that ‘need’ to be hand. Here I contend with how this can be empowering in one context and disillusioning in another.


What’s Up in the World? - Weekly Digest 20/05/2016 Written by Harriet Lane-Tobin

With the constant pressure to do the ‘right’ thing. I have chosen to use this week's digest to explore the importance and validation of sometimes doing what is deemed to be ‘wrong’. Whether it be overly coddling the youth of today, defining a meaning, trial and error in the workplace or how you choose to present yourself to the world, the wrong can sometimes teach as many valuable and important lessons as the right.