
Marsden success for Associate Professor Sharyn Graham Davies

Associate Professor Sharyn Graham Davies, together with Associate Professor Rhonda Shaw and Dr Elizabeth Kerekere, have been awarded a full Marsden grant for their project, Accessing Assisted Reproduction: Social Infertility and Family Formation.

CFP: Medical Anthropology in Aotearoa Annual Symposium

Formed in 2016, the Society of Medical Anthropology in Aotearoa (SOMAA) is a national collective for medical anthropologists working in or on Aotearoa (or interested in research/issues here). SOMAA will be launched at a one day symposium in Wellington on 15 February 2017, with Professor Marcia Inhorn from Yale as keynote. The call for papers is now open.

What’s Up in the World? - Weekly Digest 27/05/2016 Written by Harriet Lane-Tobin

This week's digest flies in the face of progress, whether it be in regards to innovation, education, technology and the discussions that ‘need’ to be hand. Here I contend with how this can be empowering in one context and disillusioning in another.


What’s Up in the World? - Weekly Digest 6/05/2016 Written by Harriet Lane-Tobin

Culture, authenticity, life, death and the misrepresented. This week's digest comes at these issues from multiple angles, showing the positives and negatives of being able to be perceived and understood in different ways.