call for papers

Call for papers for ASAA/NZ 2025 conference

The call for papers for our 2025 conference, Edges, Borders, Margins, and Peripheries, is now open. We encourage submissions of abstracts of no more than 250 words for individual papers, panels, and group sessions that engage with our theme; however, unrelated submissions are also welcome. The deadline for abstracts is 31 May 2025.

Call for Papers: Australasian STS Graduate Student Network workshop, 28-29 July 2022

The call for papers for the Australasian STS Graduate Student Network workshop is now open. The multisited workshop will be held on 28-29 July 2022. Feel free to circulate the workshop’s call for papers with any interested students and early career researchers who are thinking critically about science and technology.

Call for Papers: ASAA/NZ 2022 Annual Conference

We are pleased to announce that the 44th ASAA/NZ Annual Conference will take place from the 14th to 16th of November at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington.

We would like to acknowledge the energy, time, and effort that was put into last year’s conference which sadly had to be cancelled. Therefore, building on last year’s theme of “Emergency” and in light of our (re)emergence from lockdown into an ongoing pandemic, we are proposing “Emergenc(i)es” as the theme for this year’s ASAA/NZ conference.

Abstracts of no more than 200 words are due by 10 June 2022. Please see our Conference page for more information.

Call for presentations: Mahi Tahi panel at ASAA/NZ 2019 Breaking Boundaries conference

Graduate students in anthropology are invited to participate in the Mahi Tahi panel of the ASAA/NZ Breaking Boundaries Conference ki Whāingaroa (Raglan) in November 2019. Abstract are due on 6 September 2019.

CFP: IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress "World Solidarities”, to be held in Poland in August 2019

The call for proposals for IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress “World Solidarities” is now open. Hosted by the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) and the Polish Ethnological Society, IUAES 2019 will take place on 27-31 August 2019 in Poznań, Poland.

Call for papers - Feral: A nearly carbon-neutral conference

The Massey University Political Ecology Research Centre (PERC) and Wageningen University Centre for Space, Place and Society (CSPS) are co-hosting Feral: A nearly carbon-neutral conference in November 2018. The call for papers is now open, with abstracts due by 30 June 2018.

Centre for Global Migrations: New Research Theme at the University of Otago

In March 2017 the Centre for Global Migrations Research Theme was established at the University of Otago to co-ordinate interdisciplinary research, teaching, and activities relating to historical and contemporary global migration. Global Migrations is calling for papers for a multidisciplinary research symposium to examine the connections between education, migration and translation to be held in Dunedin in November 2017.