We are pleased to announce that the 2025 ASAA/NZ conference will be held on 9-12 December in Whāingaroa (Raglan), Waikato, Aotearoa New Zealand. The call for abstracts will open on 17 March.
Extended deadline: call for abstracts for ASAA/NZ 2024 Conference Vital Signs
Call for Abstracts: ASAA/NZ 2024 conference Vital Signs
The Social Anthropology Programme at Massey University is pleased to announce that we will be hosting the ASAA/NZ annual conference 21-23 November 2024 on our Manawatū campus in Palmerston North. The conference theme is “Vital Signs” and we welcome submissions for individual panels, group sessions, and a range of innovative modalities. Abstracts are due 1 August 2024.
ASAA/NZ 2024 conference: Vital Signs
We are pleased to announce the date and location of the 2024 conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand. We will hold our meeting on the Manawatū campus of Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa | Massey University 21-23 November 2024.
The theme of the conference is “VITAL SIGNS”. A fuller exposition on this theme, along with the call for abstracts, will be sent out in early May. In the meantime, please save the date!
2023 winners of the Dr Cyril Timo Schäfer Memorial Graduate Student Conference Presentation Awards
ASAA/NZ is delighted to announce the 20123 winners of the Dr Cyril Timo Schäfer Memorial Graduate Student Conference Presentation Awards: Willow Forgeson (Massey University) and Jay Jomar F. Quintos (Te Tumu School of Māori, Pacific, and Indigenous Studies, University of Otago | The University of the Philippines). These awards recognise excellence in conference presentation skills by ASAA/NZ graduate student members.
ASAA/NZ 2023 Conference Keynote Speakers announced
We are delighted to announce our two keynote speakers for our Engaging Anthropology conference this year, Leali‘ifano Dr Albert Refiti and Emeritus Professor Christine Helliwell. Our call for papers is open until 28 July so if you would like to participate in the conference please get in touch with the conference organising committee via email (engaginganthropology2023@otago.ac.nz).
ASAA/NZ Conference call for papers extended to 28 July
Call for papers: ASAA/NZ 2023 Conference "Engaging Anthropology"
The University of Otago’s Social Anthropology programme is pleased to announce the ‘Call For Papers’ for the 2023 ASAA/NZ Conference, which is being held in Dunedin on 22nd - 24th November, with the theme of ‘Engaging Anthropology’. Abstracts are due by Friday 14 July and the organisers will aim to confirm acceptance of papers in early August.
Announcing the 2023 ASAA/NZ conference "Engaging Anthropology"
The University of Otago’s Social Anthropology programme are delighted to be hosting the annual ASAA/NZ Conference, on 22nd-24th November, 2023. We are excited to announce this year’s conference theme as ENGAGING ANTHROPOLOGY, and to provide the following provocations (with a formal call for papers to follow in May).
Programme for the 2022 ASAA/NZ conference "EMERGENC(i)ES" now available
Provisional conference programme for the 2022 ASAA/NZ Conference "EMERGENC(i)ES"
The provisional programme for our 2022 conference is now available. The programme contains information about the venue, transport, accommodation, and COVID-19 precautions, as well as the provisional schedule.
Registration is now open for the 2022 ASAA/NZ Conference "EMERGENC(i)ES"
Registration for the 44th ASAA/NZ Annual Conference is now open. The conference will take place from 14-16 November 2022 at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington.
ASAA/NZ 2022 Conference CFP extended to 24 June
We have extended the deadline for the 2022 ASAA/NZ conference abstracts to Friday 24 June 2022. Our conference page has more information about the theme of Emergenc(i)es and the hybrid format that the conference will take when we host it in November 2022.
Call for Papers: Australasian STS Graduate Student Network workshop, 28-29 July 2022
The call for papers for the Australasian STS Graduate Student Network workshop is now open. The multisited workshop will be held on 28-29 July 2022. Feel free to circulate the workshop’s call for papers with any interested students and early career researchers who are thinking critically about science and technology.
Australian Anthropological Society 2022 Conference Call for Panels closes on 6 May
The annual conference of the Australian Anthropological Society will be held online from 23 November to 26 November 2022 at Deakin University. The Call for Panels closes on 6 May and will be followed by a call for papers and labs.
Call for Papers: ASAA/NZ 2022 Annual Conference
We are pleased to announce that the 44th ASAA/NZ Annual Conference will take place from the 14th to 16th of November at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington.
We would like to acknowledge the energy, time, and effort that was put into last year’s conference which sadly had to be cancelled. Therefore, building on last year’s theme of “Emergency” and in light of our (re)emergence from lockdown into an ongoing pandemic, we are proposing “Emergenc(i)es” as the theme for this year’s ASAA/NZ conference.
Abstracts of no more than 200 words are due by 10 June 2022. Please see our Conference page for more information.
Conviviality: A virtual, asynchronous, open access conference, 4-9 October 2021
The Political Ecology Research Centre at Massey University and the Centre for Space, Place & Society at Wageningen University are hosting Conviviality, an open access, virtual conference, in the week of 4-9 October 2021.
2021 ASAA/NZ Conference call for abstracts
The University of Waikato Anthropology Programme is pleased to announce that the 2021 ASAA./NZ conference will be held on Friday 26 and Saturday 27 November 2021 at the Waikato Museum/Te Whare Taonga o Waikato in downtown Hamilton (1 Grantham Street).
The theme of the conference is ‘Emergency’. Abstracts of up to 300 words are due by 31 July 2021. Please see our Conference page for more information.
2021 ASAANZ+AAS Conference Cancelled
AAS+ASAANZ 2020 conference ‘Unsettling Peripheries’ postponed
It is with great regret that we inform you of the postponement of the 2020 joint conference of the Australian Anthropological Society and the Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa New Zealand. Our conference was to be held in December of 2020, but we have made the difficult decision to postpone the event to the end of 2021.