
How the Preamble was added to the ASAA/NZ Principles of Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct

ASAA/NZ’s Principles of Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct begins with a Preamble affirming our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Aotearoa New Zealand’s founding document. As far as we know, our anthropological association is unique in beginning its code of ethics with such a commitment. ASAA/NZ Ethics Committee Chair Dr Jeff Sluka relates the story of how the Preamble was added to the ASAA/NZ Principles of Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct.

CFP: Medical Anthropology in Aotearoa Annual Symposium

Formed in 2016, the Society of Medical Anthropology in Aotearoa (SOMAA) is a national collective for medical anthropologists working in or on Aotearoa (or interested in research/issues here). SOMAA will be launched at a one day symposium in Wellington on 15 February 2017, with Professor Marcia Inhorn from Yale as keynote. The call for papers is now open.