
Unsettling Peripheries - AAS+ASAANZ 2020 Conference

“Unsettling Peripheries,” the 2020 combined conference of the Australian Anthropological Society (AAS) and the Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand (ASAA/NZ) will be held on December 8-12 at Victoria University of Wellington’s Pipitea campus, in the heart of Wellington city, Aotearoa New Zealand.

2019 winners of the Dr Cyril Timo Schäfer Memorial Graduate Student Conference Presentation Awards

ASAA/NZ is delighted to announce the 2019 winners of the Dr Cyril Timo Schäfer Memorial Graduate Student Conference Presentation Awards: Maria Blanca Ayala (University of Canterbury); Nicola Manghi (Università di Torino/University of Waikato); Mona-Lisa Wareka (University of Waikato); and Brodie Quinn (University of Auckland). These awards recognise excellence in conference presentation skills by ASAA/NZ graduate student members.

SOMAA 2019 Dialogue Presentations and Registration Information

Society of Medical Anthropology in Aotearoa (SOMAA) 2019 convenors Nayantara Sheoran Appleton, Mythily Meher, and Pauline Herbst are happy to share the dialogue presenters for this years SOMAA hui, Biomedical Dialogues: Thinking across Bodies and Borderlands. SOMAA2019 will be held on 28 November in Whāingaroa (Raglan), Waikato, New Zealand. If you would like to attend, RSVP to Pauline Herbst by 20 October 2019.

Call for presentations: Mahi Tahi panel at ASAA/NZ 2019 Breaking Boundaries conference

Graduate students in anthropology are invited to participate in the Mahi Tahi panel of the ASAA/NZ Breaking Boundaries Conference ki Whāingaroa (Raglan) in November 2019. Abstract are due on 6 September 2019.

CFP: IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress "World Solidarities”, to be held in Poland in August 2019

The call for proposals for IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress “World Solidarities” is now open. Hosted by the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) and the Polish Ethnological Society, IUAES 2019 will take place on 27-31 August 2019 in Poznań, Poland.

ASAA/NZ 2018 Conference Keynote: Anthropology as Theoretical Storytelling

Professor Carole McGranahan (University of Colorado) will give a keynote lecture entitled “Anthropology as Theoretical Storytelling” as part of the ASAA/NZ 2018 Conference. The lecture will be at 3:30pm on Thursday 6 December at Massey University’s Wellington campus.

ASAA/NZ 2018 Conference: Improvisation as the Fundamental Phenomenon of Life

Composer-performer Rob Thorne, M.A, (Ngāti Tumutumu) will give a sonic performance as part of the ASAA/NZ 2018 Conference. Entitled “Improvisation as the Fundamental Phenomenon of Life,” the performance will be at 10am on Thursday 6 December at Massey University’s Wellington campus.

Stirring Up Silence: Mahi Tahi interactive presentation at ASAA/NZ 2018 Conference

Stirring Up Silence: Mahi Tahi is an interactive presentation that will be held at the ASAA/NZ Conference on 6-7 December 2018. This is open to all who wish to engage with Māori student perspectives and experiences of anthropology. It will centre Māori student voices and hopes to generate a broad conversation within anthropology in Aotearoa.