Critical Food Studies seminars launch the new Association for Critical Food Studies Aotearoa New Zealand (ACFSANZ)

A series of seminars dedicated to Critical Food Studies in Aotearoa has been running at Te Herenga Waka—VIctora University of Wellington’s Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies to launch the Association for Critical Food Studies Aotearoa New Zealand (ACFSANS). The next seminar is on Wednesday 27 September, where Jacinta Forde will discuss the implications of overharvesting a Rangatira species for commercial purposes.

ASAA/NZ 2023 Conference Keynote Speakers announced

We are delighted to announce our two keynote speakers for our Engaging Anthropology conference this year, Leali‘ifano Dr Albert Refiti and Emeritus Professor Christine Helliwell. Our call for papers is open until 28 July so if you would like to participate in the conference please get in touch with the conference organising committee via email (

Call for papers: ASAA/NZ 2023 Conference "Engaging Anthropology"

The University of Otago’s Social Anthropology programme is pleased to announce the ‘Call For Papers’ for the 2023 ASAA/NZ Conference, which is being held in Dunedin on 22nd - 24th November, with the theme of ‘Engaging Anthropology’. Abstracts are due by Friday 14 July and the organisers will aim to confirm acceptance of papers in early August.

Announcing the 2023 ASAA/NZ conference "Engaging Anthropology"

The University of Otago’s Social Anthropology programme are delighted to be hosting the annual ASAA/NZ Conference, on 22nd-24th November, 2023. We are excited to announce this year’s conference theme as ENGAGING ANTHROPOLOGY, and to provide the following provocations (with a formal call for papers to follow in May).

2022 winners of the Dr Cyril Timo Schäfer Memorial Graduate Student Conference Presentation Awards

ASAA/NZ is delighted to announce the 2022 winners of the Dr Cyril Timo Schäfer Memorial Graduate Student Conference Presentation Awards: Sharayne Bennett (University of Waikato); Etienne De Villiers (University of Otago); and Imogen Spray (University of Auckland). Special mentions also went to Alireza Gorgani (York University, Canada), Yi Li (University of Otago), and Jordan M Walker (Massey University). These awards recognise excellence in conference presentation skills by ASAA/NZ graduate student members.

Call for nominations: Sam Taylor-Alexander Early Career Researcher Prize for Ethics and Engagement within Anthropology

We invite nominations of Students and Early Career Anthropologists from around Aotearoa for the Sam Taylor-Alexander Early Career Researcher Prize for Ethics and Engagement within Anthropology. The prize aims to recognise the ‘everyday ethical’ labour and engagement that is continually practiced in, and essential to, the academy, and in doing so, to foster a culture of allyship, social justice, and generosity within Aotearoa New Zealand anthropology. Applications close on Monday 24 October 2022.