10 questions with ... Lyn Carter

In this latest instalment of In this instalment of '10 questions with,' we interview Dr Lyn Carter about her new book Indigenous Pacific Approaches to Climate Change: Aotearoa/New Zealand (2018).

Special Issue of SITES 15(1), Ethnographic Frontiers: Pushing the Boundaries of Ethnography

The Special Issue of SITES (Volume 15, No 1), Ethnographic Frontiers: Pushing the Boundaries of Ethnography, edited by Sita Venkateswar and Barbara Andersen, has now been published.

10 questions with ... Cris Shore

In this installment of '10 questions with ...' we chat with Professor Cris Shore about his latest book, Death of the Public University? Uncertain Futures for Higher Education in the Knowledge Economy, co-edited with Professor Susan Wright (2017).

Graduate Stories: Kris Finlayson

In Graduate Stories we showcase some of the outstanding graduate researchers working in various anthropology departments, or on anthropological topics, around Aotearoa New Zealand. This instalment features Kris Finlayson, who is about to submit his Masters thesis on the identity of Afrikaans-speakers’ in New Zealand’s society.

'Are you sure you're not a Christian?': Negotiating identity within and beyond fieldwork, by Jess Carter

In this short piece, 2017 Kākano Fund Award Winner Jess Carter reflects on the messy identity work involved in doing research with Christians as a practising non-Christian.