The Massey University Political Ecology Research Centre (PERC) and Wageningen University Centre for Space, Place and Society (CSPS) are co-hosting Feral: A nearly carbon-neutral conference in November 2018. The call for papers is now open, with abstracts due by 30 June 2018.
2017 winners of the Dr Cyril Timo Schäfer Memorial Graduate Student Conference Presentation Awards
ASAA/NZ Annual General Meeting at the 2017 Shifting States Anthropology Conference
Come along to the ASAA/NZ AGM at the Shifting States Anthropology Conference in Adelaide on 13 December 2017. All welcome!
Shifting States 2017 Conference Funding available
Through a generous award from the Wenner-Gren Foundation, as well as funds from the ASA, AAS and ASAA/NZ, we have funds available to support delegates attending the 2017 Shifting States conference in Adelaide.
The Call for Funding applications is open until 11 September 2017. See the funding page for eligibility and criteria.
Please visit the conference website for more information about the conference theme, keynote presentations, events and panels, and for practical information about Adelaide.
2017 Conference Travel Grants available for MA and PhD students
'The Lives and Afterlives of Plastic' - a new type of conference
AAS/ASA/ASAANZ Shifting States 2017 conference call for papers now open
The call for papers for the combined AAS/ASA/ASAANZ 2017 conference, Shifting States, is now open.
Moving Forward, Glancing Backwards: A Graduate Symposium
From Fridolin to the Digital Age – The Visual Anthropology of Ethnomusicology
Anthropology in Aotearoa Symposium at Victoria University of Wellington
Centre for Global Migrations: New Research Theme at the University of Otago
In March 2017 the Centre for Global Migrations Research Theme was established at the University of Otago to co-ordinate interdisciplinary research, teaching, and activities relating to historical and contemporary global migration. Global Migrations is calling for papers for a multidisciplinary research symposium to examine the connections between education, migration and translation to be held in Dunedin in November 2017.
2017 Conference Call for Panels
The call for panels for this year's conference Shifting States, to be held from 11-15 December 2017 at the University of Adelaide, is now open.
Save the date: 50 year anniversary of Cultural Anthropology at Victoria University of Wellington
Call for papers: The Lives and Afterlives of Plastic
CFP: Medical Anthropology in Aotearoa Annual Symposium
Formed in 2016, the Society of Medical Anthropology in Aotearoa (SOMAA) is a national collective for medical anthropologists working in or on Aotearoa (or interested in research/issues here). SOMAA will be launched at a one day symposium in Wellington on 15 February 2017, with Professor Marcia Inhorn from Yale as keynote. The call for papers is now open.
Postgraduate Students Symposium, 17-18 November 2016
Woven Together? Christianity and Development between New Zealand and the Pacific
Victoria University of Wellington's Religious Studies Programme is hosting a conference investigating the relationships between Christianity and development in the Pacific. The event will be of particular interest to those with an interest in Pacific, international aid and development, anthropology, history, and religion.
Buddhism, Humanities, and Ethnographic Methods Conference, 29-30 April 2016, by Keziah Wallis
New Trajectories in the Study of Development Workshop, 24 May 2016
Call for presentations: Social Movements, Resistance and Social Change III
The third Annual Conference and Social Change Forum is taking place at Victoria University of Wellington from 1-3 September 2016. This is an interdisciplinary conference that will be of interest to anthropologists working in the areas of democracy, citizenship, activism, social media, refugee narratives, climate change, food security, protest, poverty, inequality, and social justice. The call for presentations is now open.